Stephen joined Live Oak in 2015 and has been an Elder since 2018. He is the Director of Life Groups, leads our biannual Discipleship University, and preaches. He received a Bachelor’s Degree in Government from William & Mary and then attended Law School at Campbell University in North Carolina. After passing the Bar Exam, he entered the Air Force. He attended the Army Judge Advocate General’s School and graduated with a Master of Laws in International and Operational Law. He is currently a civilian attorney at Hurlburt Field. Having become a believer at a young age, he has served consistently wherever stationed. He has been a youth coordinator, young adult Sunday school teacher, high school ministry coordinator, interim youth minister, youth volunteer, small group leader, elder, and volunteer and guest preacher. He was born in Louisiana at Barkesdale AFB and raised in Yorktown, VA. He and his wife, Ashley, have been married since 2007 and have 4 children, Ethan, Addi Kate, Evan, and Elliot. Stephen enjoys spending time with family, hiking, kayaking, and helping equip people to live for Christ – in the marketplace, the neighborhood, and in the home.