Be a Part of Live Oak Church!
A sign of healthy spiritual growth is the desire to serve the Lord by serving others. At Live Oak Church, we strive to equip people to use their gifts to edify and serve the body of Christ. Along with that comes the opportunity to serve our faith family directly.
Here’s a brief list of areas that YOU can be of service:
- Hospitality: greeters, ushers
- Children: children’s church, nursery, Sunday school
- Worship: the worship team, video, audio
- Social media: Facebook, YouTube
Check out our church app for a list of serving opportunities and/or to share your unique gifts and talents with us. We have a place for you!

Live Oak Church, 7304 East Bay Boulevard, Navarre, FL 32566
Ph: 850.936.7672 |
Ph: 850.936.7672 |